Call Us: (02) 6765 9921


Opening Hours


COVID-19 Announcement to Lysaghts Customers



To our valued customers,


In these worrying times, our thoughts are with those that have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Based on government advice, we have put together a list of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as best we can:

  • We encourage phone and email communication methods.
  • Please reserve in-person enquiries for drop off and pick up purposes only
  • Please observe the recommended social distancing of 1.5m from other people; this includes forgoing handshakes
  • Our staff are not permitted to enter the premises of residents who are under quarantine or displaying cold or flu-like symptoms
  • Any staff member that displays cold or flu-like symptoms must enter isolation as per the guidelines

While world health agencies are working around the clock to find a vaccine for COVID-19, precautions must be taken by the public to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. The World Health Organisation finds that the virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person (generated through coughing and sneezing). Individuals can also be infected from and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching their face (e.g., eyes, nose, mouth). However, survival of COVID-19 virus on contaminated surfaces may last up to several hours if not treated with disinfectant.


Our number one priority is the health and wellbeing of our staff and community, and we have expanded daily practises to maintain a clean and safe environment by introducing additional measures that reflect the recommendations of the Australian Government Health Department guidelines.  To reduce the possible spread of infection, avoid contact with those that are ill, practise thorough hand washing, and please limit hand contact with your eyes, mouth, and nose.


Our store remains open for business and our team looks forward to servicing your air conditioning needs. In the circumstance where your scheduled appointment becomes altered or postponed, we will be in touch.


In the meantime

  • If you are displaying any cold or flu-like symptoms
  • If you feel unwell
  • If you have had to enter into isolation
  • If you have had contact with someone in isolation

We kindly ask that you contact our office to reschedule your appointment.


Stay well,



Stephen Lysaght

& Jo Lysaght

23 March 2020

Dear Customer,

What you can expect from us while on your premises attending to your air conditioner:

  • We will stay at home if any of us are unwell and your appointment will be rescheduled
  • We will say hello, engage and talk to you but we will NOT shake hands
  • We will maintain social distance of 1.5m
  • We will use the appropriate surface disinfectant and hand sanitisers as we go about our work
  • We will carry out our work adhering to the procedures as outlined in Lysaghts Epidemic and Pandemic Policy*.


What we expect from you, the customer, while on your premises:

  • Advise us immediately, before we enter, if you are in self-isolation or have been in contact with anyone in self-isolation
  • Advise us immediately, before we enter, if you or others on the premises, feel unwell or have any, cough, sneeze or other flu-like symptoms.
  • Please feel free to engage and talk to us while maintaining a social distance of 1.5m as we go about our work and ensure others on the premises do the same
  • Please allow us access to a bathroom to wash hands as frequently as we need


Thank you for your understanding and we hope that you stay well.  *Please do not hesitate to contact the office with any queries you have regarding this matter.